Do Mac Owners Need Malware Virus Software

Best answer: Though Windows malware doesn't affect Mac devices, it's easy to unknowingly send these threats to PC-using colleagues, family members, and friends. During our testing, we used live malware and saw that the protections that come with Mac devices don't always stop them. Several threats are disguised to look like legitimate Mac programs and often sneak in through email messages and network connections. Luckily, a good antivirus program can stop them while keeping your Mac safe.

  • Staff pick: Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac ($60 at Bitdefender)
  • Tech support recommended: Malwarebytes ($40 at Malwarebytes)
  • Free Mac antivirus: Avast Essential Security for Mac (Free at Avast)

The answer to the question “Do Macs need antivirus or anti-malware software?” is “No, but” As a Mac user since late 1984, I have never had a virus, and I’ve rarely seen malware that caused an issue for more than just a few minutes. That includes the early days of Mac when the operating system wasn’t Unix-based with all of its. When new Mac owners first set up their new machines, one question they may have is whether or not they’re taking a risk by not installing that same genre of application on their Macs. “The answer to the question “Do Macs need antivirus or anti-malware software?” is “No, but”. Protect your Mac from malware. MacOS has many features that help protect your Mac and your personal information from malicious software, or malware. One common way malware is distributed is by embedding it in a harmless-looking app. You can reduce this risk by using software only from reliable sources.

If you start to notice weird advertisements popping up in strange places on popular websites like YouTube, you might be infected. These ads tend to feature adult content or claim that a virus has been detected on your device and will often appear in places that you don't normally see ads.

You may also discover that your personal email or social networking sites are sending out messages that you didn't write. If this happens, you should immediately change your password to stop any more messages being sent from your account.

If your Mac just isn't responding the way it should, you might have malware planted into your system somewhere. If it takes much longer for your Mac to wake up than it used to, there may be something lurking in the shadows.

You won't always know if you have a virus. Technology has improved for the bad guys just as much as it has improved for the good guys. There are viruses out there that are smart enough to know how to hide deep in your system and work constantly to keep you from noticing it, all while performing malicious attacks. And once you're infected, it super easy for other devices connected to your network to become infected, too.

While you may think you don't need antivirus protection on your Mac, it's more important than ever now that Apple has grown so popular. Even if you use a limited, free version of a program, you'll be doing yourself a favor.

How can I protect my Mac right now?

The Mac operating system includes a number of security tools that help keep adware and malware off your computer, including default restrictions on opening apps from unidentified developers. If you stick to only downloading apps from the Mac App Store and are good about staying away from seedy websites, you can keep your computer secure from most virus issues.

In fact, Apple's security tools are why you'll hear many old-school Mac users say that you don't need anti-virus protection. The Mac is locked down well right out of the box.

However, there is more to protecting yourself than just avoiding bad apps and websites. You never know when you are going to pick something up that could create havoc on your Mac or on somebody else's PC. That's why, for added protection, you should think about getting antivirus software.

Staff pick

Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac

Does A Mac Need Malware Protection

Protection against Mac and Windows malware

Bitdefender runs in the background, deleting and eliminating Mac and Windows malware as it shows up. This protects both your Mac and friends' PCs from becoming infected. Bitdefender stops most threats before they download and includes phishing filters and a VPN.

Tech support recommended


Tech support's go-to

Malwarebytes is recommended by tech support at Apple, which downloads this program to user's devices when contacted about performance issues. This software searches out malware and other exploiting viruses and blocks websites that are known to distribute malicious content.

Free Mac antivirus

Avast Essential Security for Mac

Do mac owners need malware virus software windows 10

Free basic protection

Avast's Essential monitors your email messages for any phishing schemes, malicious links or downloads that could lead to a malware attack or identity theft. It also watches your network connection and stops hackers and snoops as they try to sneak in.

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While viruses are as much a threat to Macs as they are to PCs, it’s important to note how the built-in security mechanism for Macs works. With a lot more layers of security than the Windows operating system, macOS is generally able to fend off viruses and malware trying to make their way into Macs. This is one of the major reasons why Apple is able to make claims about the security of its devices as often as it does.

With that said, however, it’s important to note that even though the manufacturer of Macs says that their devices are safe from viruses and threats of the likes, it’s always a good idea to be as cautious as possible and take the right precautions.

Additionally, while it’s true that viruses for Macs aren’t nearly as common as they are for PCs, that doesn’t negate the fact that viruses for Macs do exist. The only difference is that since computers running on the Windows operating system are more vulnerable than Macs, it only makes sense for criminals to focus more on the type of audiences that will help them in their objectives.

Do Mac Owners Need Malware Virus Software Download

Now that we’ve established that Windows is the more vulnerable operating system, the next thing that comes to mind for most people is why generic viruses can’t be built for users of devices running on both of these platforms. The answer to that is relatively simple too. Mac OS is based on UNIX, which means that it is significantly different from the Windows operating system.

Not only do Windows and Mac OS have features and characteristics that are entirely unique, but the mechanism and principles, on which both operating systems function, too, are very different. Top that off with the sandboxed environment that Mac OS leverages, and you’ve got yourself an operating system that doesn’t look all that appealing to criminals.

Do Macs Need Malware Protection

But that approach is changing pretty fast.

Criminals today are increasingly becoming more willing to go through the trouble of creating customized malicious code for Mac users for a number of reasons. Not only has the user base of Macs increased significantly over the years making the efforts of criminals a lot more rewarding, but Mac users are also considered to be the more affluent of the two groups. Needless to say, putting in the effort to create malicious code that can help them steal private and confidential information – especially that used for financial institutions – makes it all worthwhile for criminals.

But what does that mean about the need for antivirus software for Macs, you ask?

The answer to that isn’t quite straightforward. In fact, when it comes to this question, Mac users are essentially divided into two large groups of those who believe that antivirus is necessary, and those who don’t see the need for installing extra programs to keep their data and systems secure.

Do Mac Owners Need Malware Virus Software 2017

In the sections to follow, we’ll be talking about what antivirus for Macs really does, and discuss some of the other ways in which Macs can be protected from potential threats.