Mac Software To Throttel Network Speed

I tried it out on a filesharing (AFP) connection between 2 computers on my home network. From one computer I mounted the hard drive of the second computer. I then transferred a 65 MB file and found that I was getting a transfer speed of over 20 MB/s on my gigabit ethernet network. Then I tried the commands to limit the transfer speed as follows. Feb 18, 2015  A must for Mac users working on unreliable networks. How to install a simple tool that will restrict the maximum upload or download speed of your Mac as and when you need it.

Bandwidth throttling in OS X | 18 comments | Create New Account
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Once you have a set of rules that do what you want, it's pretty simple to create a shell script to create those, and a launchd plist to run it on boot. I actually just did something like this on my home network.

(Be nice to my poor Mini, and note that it's under the same bandwidth throttling that's described here!)

Is this because the rules clear every time the computer reboots? Just curious. I'm looking to use this in an office environment to single out some people who download stuff and hog my bandwidth :)
When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.

One awesome thing about this is that the changes are made in real-time, so if somebody is hogging your bandwidth you can do this trick without having to restart your network or even lose connection of open sockets. This is great for when torrents are killing your surfing speeds, when somebody begins leeching your web-share, etc., because you don't have to kill those active connections to gain the benefit of throttling. This also allows you to use a real-time graph to view the difference your rule is making so you can tweak if necessary.

That's awesome! I've always wanted to know how to limit my bandwidth so I can test how my websites are loading at dial-up speeds.
Great tip!
..:: Zeb ::..

This is a great tip, but does anyone know of a way to limit individual users' TOTAL bandwidth over time? For instance, limit Joe User to download 100MB over 24 hours?

Mac software to throttle network speed windows 7

For those of you wanting more...
We've got a pretty detailed article about dummynet on I think that does as well.
Breaking my server to save yours.

Well, this is cool. I've been using 'throttled', but I think I may like this technique better because when I watch the network activity, I'm not sure throttled is working very well. The graph in the network monitor definitely goes above the limits I set occasionally. I thought I remembered it working really well when I first set it up, but now I tend to get page stalls when browsing during a period of a lot of network activity (up/downloads going on on my mini). I've been assuming that my issues may stem from wireless network interference, but running iStumbler shows the interference is low. Ah well. I'll try this out. How do I limit bandwidth on all outbound (and separately inbound) ports instead of just one port?

One can Waterroof, a very nice frontend that exposes a lot of these features .

This is not working for me. I tried it out on a filesharing (AFP) connection between 2 computers on my home network. From one computer I mounted the hard drive of the second computer. I then transferred a 65 MB file and found that I was getting a transfer speed of over 20 MB/s on my gigabit ethernet network. Then I tried the commands to limit the transfer speed as follows...
sudo ipfw pipe 1 config bw 1MByte/s
sudo ipfw add 1 pipe 1 src-port 548
I then transferred the file again and my transfer speed dropped dramatically, but it dropped to 5 MB/s instead of 1 MB/s. I played around with the commands but no matter what speed I set it always transfers at 5 MB/s. When I delete the rule and the pipe my transfer speed again shoots to over 20 MB/s, so it is doing something but it does not limit the transfer speed as set.
Any thoughts or suggestions?

Are you measuring the speed in megaBytes, or megabits? 1MByte/s is about 8Mbits/s... That could be one explanation.

I've tried ALL of the ones listed here, AFP simply seems to NOT listen to the ipfw...
All i want to do is regulate AFP bandwidth on my network, anybody have a way to do that?

Thanks for the suggestion, but that's not it. No matter what speed I set in the shell command (i.e. 1 MB/s or 10 MB/s) it always throttles it to the same speed of 5MB/s. So even if I did confuse mb with MB I still would have seen a difference when changing speeds... but I don't.

How about adding the pipe to dst-port 548 as well, or to dst-ip ...
Strange, really strange.
Note: You may need to set the net.inet.ip.fw.one_pass variable so the packet doesn't pass through to the next firewall rule.

sudo sysctl -w net.inet.ip.fw.one_pass=1

You can also issue the config command again with different bandwidth settings to fine tune the limit without tearing it down and rebuilding it.

I want to only throttle the iTunes application. The above tip works fine with iTunes with port 80 but what if I want my other applications to have full access to my bandwidth?
Is there a way from the command line to just limit specific applications?
Thanks, Joe

Lighthouse will let you select an app, forward info from the normal port to another internal port, and when used with the script described before, and the internal port number, you can slow a specific app down, while leaving the others to use as much bandwidth as there is left over. This type of solution would work even better if you could define similar behavior by ip adress from inside an airport router, but apple hasn't seen fit to make that part of their software. Still, lighthouse is a great app for this type of control. You can redirect traffic from any number of ports to a single port, and set how much bandwidth the internal port has using these scripts. You can even schedule it using the latest iCal in Leopard if you save these as terminal scripts. If you can find freeware for redirecting by application, please post. I'd love to be able to try it.

Hello everybody,
I've seen applications that forward ports based on the application you specify. You could forward information for any app through these, set one specific port, then use the commands at the top of this thread to limit bandwidth to that port. Remember, when you use these commands you are specifying the internal destination; and if you've routed one port to another for a specific application, the only port you need to worry about is which one the application will 'see' or use. This will allow you to limit bandwidth to that internal port, and it will 'pull' information through the outer one at the limit you've defined. I've tried lighthouse, great for this, but I believe there are others that are freeware. I hope this helps somebody.

I've tried ALL of the ones listed here, AFP simply seems to NOT listen to the ipfw...
All i want to do is regulate AFP bandwidth on my network, anybody have a way to do that?

These days, internet connections are fast enough to seamlessly handle multiple browsing tasks all at once. However, there still comes that odd time where your entire internet connection suffers due to a site hogging all available bandwidth to itself.

Be it a file download or a streaming video, certain types of activity can slow things down to a crawl. So, can you do anything about it aside from installing browser extensions or using a download manager?

If you are on Chrome, then yes! Thanks to the web development tools that Google's browser comes bundled with by default, you can easily create readily deployable network throttling profiles to actively manage your downloads.

And even better, you can also choose to manage the speeds of each and every tab individually. Sounds awesome, right?

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Creating Custom Network Profiles

Chrome’s web development tools, dubbed DevTools, are a bunch of insanely powerful configuration options that help developers test out websites under various simulated situations — including differing network conditions. Hence, these tools provide some neat capabilities when it comes to managing download speeds with the use of network throttling profiles.

Fortunately, you don’t need to have any advanced knowledge to mess around with the DevTools for the task at hand. So, let's dive right in!

Step 1: Open the Chrome menu, point to More Tools, and then click Developer Tools.

You should now see the DevTools panel load either to the right or to the bottom of the window.

Note: Alternatively, you can access the DevTools panel by pressing the F12 key.

Step 2: Click the vertical Ellipsis icon — three dots — to the upper-right corner of the DevTools panel. On the drop-down menu, select Settings.

Step 3: Click the Throttling side-tab. You should now be on the Network Throttling Profiles screen. To start creating a custom profile, click the Add Custom Profile button.

Step 4: Specify a download speed limit in kilobits per second (kb/s) using the box under Download. Choose to insert a value into the Upload box only if you want to limit the rate of upload — otherwise, leave it intact.

Note: Internet connections are usually listed in megabits per seconds — each megabit consists of 1,000 kilobits. However, keep in mind that 1 kilobit is just an eighth of the more familiar kilobyte, hence inserting a speed of 100 kb/s, for example, should only net you 12.5 KB/s.

Also, make sure to not allocate a value exceeding the maximum bandwidth of your internet connection. If you are confused, check out this neat conversion tool to learn more about deciphering your connection speed.

Note: The Latency field is best left alone, but you can add a value in milliseconds if you want to simulate a delayed or lagging network connection.

Finally, insert a profile name. Preferably, name it with something that reflects the download speed of the profile since that allows for easier identification when switching between profiles later on.

To complete adding a profile, click Add. The above screenshot shows three profiles labeled Slow, Medium, and Fast, added with speeds of 100, 500, and 1,000 kb/s respectively.

After creating your network profiles, click the 'x'-shaped icon to the upper-right corner to exit the DevTools pane. You can always come to this screen to add new profiles or modify existing ones.

Custom Profiles In Action

Now that you’ve created one or more custom profiles, let’s see how you can actually use it in practice when it comes to downloading a file. The procedure should also work fine on video streaming sites with auto-adjustable playback resolutions such as YouTube.

Step 1: Open a new tab, and then get to the webpage from where you want to initiate the download. DON'T start the download just yet.


Next, bring up the DevTools panel, and then click the Online option to the top of the DevTools menu bar. You should now see a drop-down menu, along with your list of custom profiles. Select your preferred throttling profile.

Note:Mac If you don't see the Online option, expand the DevTools pane further to the left.

Mac Software To Throttle Network Speed Download

Step 2: Initiate the download. The screenshot below shows an NVIDIA display driver with a file size of 493MB downloading at 12.8 KB/s — which is around one-eights of 100 kb/s — as specified by the throttling profile.

If you’ve already created multiple custom profiles, you can readily switch between them and the download should adjust accordingly!

Applying the Fast custom profile with a maximum download limit of 1,000 KB/s has sped up the download speed considerably!

Important: Applying a custom profile BEFORE initiating a download or playing a video is crucial for the above procedure to work!
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A Few Things to Keep In Mind

In practice, the DevTools are a little tricky to deal with. Like you already found out, you have to apply a custom profile BEFORE performing a download, which is something that you really need to keep in mind.

Also, there are a few additional considerations to take into account. Therefore, go through the list below to find out what you can or shouldn't do with the DevTools and your custom profiles.

Tabs Are Isolated

Throttle Network Speed Mac

Chrome's DevTools only affects the tab that it is loaded onto. Which means that you can work on other tabs without any adverse effects imposed by a slow network throttling profile.

Hence, this brings about a host of benefits when it comes to massive downloads that can otherwise hog all bandwidth for considerable amounts of time.

Don't Exit DevTools

Do not exit the DevTools pane in the middle of a download. Doing so causes Chrome to revert to its default network profile, which prompts any ongoing downloads related to the tab to kick up to normal speed automatically.

And to make matters worse, you can’t apply a custom profile at the middle of a download either.

Switching Profiles

Do not switch to Chrome's default Online profile. While you can readily switch between custom profiles, switching to the default profile causes all downloads to resume at normal speed and is irreversible.

Of course, you can choose to re-apply a custom profile and re-initiate the download, but why waste time in the first place?

Dealing with Multiple Sites

You can choose to apply custom networking profiles to as many tabs as you want. Know that you need to keep a running instance of the DevTools panel open on each respective tab for the duration of each download.

Note: Applying profiles to multiple tabs may slow down your network if the combined values of all profiles exceed the maximum available bandwidth.

When Streaming Videos

When streaming videos, make sure to apply the profile before initiating playback. However, certain videos may not load at all on a slow network profile if the video hosting site doesn't adjust the resolution automatically, depending on connection speed.

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How to Set Multiple Download Folders in Chrome
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Some Control Sure Feels Good

Chrome’s built-in download capabilities are bare-bones at best, but with some custom throttling profiles at hand, you can have a lot of control over your downloads — or even when streaming videos for that matter.

You may find the entire procedure a little confusing at first, but it does tend to get easier after messing around with a few downloads.

Mac Software To Throttle Network Speed Free

So, any suggestions or tips? The comments section is right below.

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Google Chrome has its own task manager.

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